Monday, August 9, 2010

You can never pass up a leg day

My shoulder (rotator cuff) is still recovering so Friday I lifted legs as usual and Saturday I did a light chest and back workout mostly pulls. Yesterday we had an impromptu rugby touch practice for about an hour and then I decided to test the shoulder and do some light weight, high rep DB benching. It turns out I can only do decline and flat. My arm refuse to do incline.

What's TODAY? TODAY IS SQUAT (aka GAME) DAY (ahh, brings me back to my rugby days where we got psyched up before a rugby match).

Keeping up with my new routine, I did a very similar workout to the newly conceived "I'm gonna kill myself" routine that almost had me paralyzed and crying. I had to call a doctor and see if I was OK or if I was dreaming, afterward.

15 reps->15 sec rest @ 135# x 3 without putting the bar down
10 reps->10 sec rest @ 185# x 3 without putting the bar down
5 reps->5 sec rest @ 225# x 3 without putting the bar down

I had to switch to a 24" box for 275 and 325 because I was working out alone.

3 reps->3 sec rest @ 275# x 3 without putting the bar down

5 reps for 5 sets @ 325# using the box, but I actually failed on the last rep of the last set and threw the weight down).

EVERYONE in the gym stared at me...Whatever! They're not going big, they just went home.

I finished with 3 sets (resting between) of 15 @ 135# with a staggered (left in front) stance squat for my left quad development.

I ended with some abs and called it a day to get back to work.

Hopefully I will go home and run later tonight with Pandora, my dog, for a few miles.

I need to work on my pecs(they seem to be one place that stores fat, other than my obliques. Also looking for a good tricep workout for a few days a week to add to my arm days. Any suggestions [,Tim]?


  1. The thing to remember about triceps is that they have two parts, an inner and outer head. Benching and most pushdown exercises seem to work the outer head. If you want to work the inner head--and you do--try attaching a cambered bar to the pushdown cable, and use a palms-up grip. Experiment with grip width. You can make them burn this way.

  2. As for pecs (I know you didn't ask, but here it is): think in terms of what that muscle is used for, and then practice that motion. The pectoral muscle are used to adduct (in evolution, think of them as needed to hold your prey close to you). In order to work them in the manner in which they are intended to work, you must do adduction work: FLYES.

    And some people argue "The chest is one muscle! Working it from different angles doesn't matter; it's just ONE muscle, with a single insertion point at the shoulder." Screw 'em. It's a muscle that has a ton of fibers and they attach all up/down your sternum. Flyes from one angle will leave you undeveloped. Especially try cable flyes on an incline bench, and make sure you are raising your arms perpendicular to gravity, not perpendicular to your spine.

  3. I will try both ideas tomorrow on my arm day and start to incorporate them. I am limited on the flyes until my shoulder heals especially at the incline position, but maybe I can test them with a low weight.
