Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't think I forgot about training

I just forget to write plus i slept for 11 hours last night.

I recently discovered Greek yogurt, and it is delicious (the honey especially). It has more protein than most things (15g per cup) with a few carbs (4-8g). Alone or in a shake would be amazing. I have been experimenting with new food items and timing. Trying to space out (more effectively) the protein intake every 3-4 hours and ensuring I get at least 20g a serving which is about 120g a day plus more around workouts.

I have been following my routine with a few modifications because doing the same thing is boring.

I start a weekly sprinting regime.

Better posts to come...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


No these are not measurements of penis size.

So I took, wanted to write down and decide to post the measurements to see if I increase them after I try the Anaconda Protocol come September.

Here are the results (in cm because that's the only measuring band I had)

Calf (Right) - 40
Calf (Left) - 39
Quads (Right) - 64
Quads (Left) - 63
Waist - 89
Chest - 108
Biceps (Right and Left) - 36
Neck - 39

Did I miss anything?

*Note: These are by no means accurate (I took them from a cereal box...).

As you can see my right side of my legs is slightly larger which is why I have focused on some uni-lateral movements to develop my left side to match.

After September I hope to see an increase in my chest and arms. My legs are already "Hulkian" as a buddy of mine pointed out sometime ago.

Monday, August 9, 2010

You can never pass up a leg day

My shoulder (rotator cuff) is still recovering so Friday I lifted legs as usual and Saturday I did a light chest and back workout mostly pulls. Yesterday we had an impromptu rugby touch practice for about an hour and then I decided to test the shoulder and do some light weight, high rep DB benching. It turns out I can only do decline and flat. My arm refuse to do incline.

What's TODAY? TODAY IS SQUAT (aka GAME) DAY (ahh, brings me back to my rugby days where we got psyched up before a rugby match).

Keeping up with my new routine, I did a very similar workout to the newly conceived "I'm gonna kill myself" routine that almost had me paralyzed and crying. I had to call a doctor and see if I was OK or if I was dreaming, afterward.

15 reps->15 sec rest @ 135# x 3 without putting the bar down
10 reps->10 sec rest @ 185# x 3 without putting the bar down
5 reps->5 sec rest @ 225# x 3 without putting the bar down

I had to switch to a 24" box for 275 and 325 because I was working out alone.

3 reps->3 sec rest @ 275# x 3 without putting the bar down

5 reps for 5 sets @ 325# using the box, but I actually failed on the last rep of the last set and threw the weight down).

EVERYONE in the gym stared at me...Whatever! They're not going big, they just went home.

I finished with 3 sets (resting between) of 15 @ 135# with a staggered (left in front) stance squat for my left quad development.

I ended with some abs and called it a day to get back to work.

Hopefully I will go home and run later tonight with Pandora, my dog, for a few miles.

I need to work on my pecs(they seem to be one place that stores fat, other than my obliques. Also looking for a good tricep workout for a few days a week to add to my arm days. Any suggestions [,Tim]?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quick shoulder routine

A friend recently asked me about Deltoid development to fill 'em out and round them. I can't find the original article but here is the plan and hopefully he finds this well.

You perform a circuit of 3 exercise in this order:
Lateral Raises 12 reps
Front Raises 12 reps
Seated Overhead DB Press

(you'll probably need to weights depending on your strength for each of these exercises)

Do this 3 times with no more than 1:00 rest between sets

Times change, but the fact that Lindsay Lohan got a DUI doesn't

First off,

Last night's workout...I did a lot of arms, all pulls with a focus on shoulders and triceps. Not going to bore with the details this time because it wasn't one of those "holy shit, this workout was insane" workouts, it upper body workout. Don't get me wrong, I'm a little sore, but we all know how that goes.

I have thought long and hard about this and am going to try and develop a solid routine around the squat workout that I did on Monday. I am going to take the same principle and use it for all major exercises. This might take a few weeks, but I have to incorporate a lot into it: Schedule, exercises, anaconda protocol??, nutrition in general, rugby, and games.

Come season (in a few weeks), I will have less time for lifting and have to work more on endurance and agility so planning is key.

Probably the most threatening factor to any progress is RECOVERY, and possibly beer (rugby players aren't known for drinking tea).

I am taking today off (for now from training) because I have no time to go, but I have practice tonight so that counts a little bit. I might end up working on some isolation for arms tonight at the gym in my apartment complex.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Peer pressure is a bitch

Got out of work last night and had some time to kill before rugby practice, so I decided to hit the gym. Now, Tuesday is an upper body day anyways, but because of my left shoulder I am still have trouble with "push" exercises.

I can do light weight fairly well so I increased the reps and sets with a lower weight.
Flat DB Press (60#)
Lawnmower Rows (90#-60# double set)
BB Shoulder Shrugs with Smith Machine (man, I hate this machine)
Seat Rows (150#)
Standing shrugs with 45# plates

Now this was a lot of "Pulls," but that's about all I can do right now. Shoulder stretching to alleviate some pain.

6:45 came quickly and I was off to practice where we played touch and I ran in a fleece sweater (It was mid 80s and humid as hell). Ran 5 50-meter sprints to end.

Didn't get out of there til around 8:45. A solid few hours of fitness and passed out once I got home took care of my dog and made a shake.

Today, told my buddy I would lift pulls with him. I guess it's better to get more pulls in since I can't do pushes yet. Going to try and convince him to try the Anaconda Protocol from T-nation as per a recommendation from a good (older) friend/mentor of mine that received a free batch (that lucky bastard) from Tim Patterson.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This weekend was slow for training. I went to the rock gym to climb Friday and Sunday, and went to the gym Friday and Saturday. Friday, I went to the gym and did a 10x10 deadlift work out after rock climbing was killer on my forearms. I got a fair share of exercise in, but my leg is keeping me from doing the cardio I want. Rock climbing is going to be great for my grip strength and forearms, which should help my tackling in rugby.

My shoulder is also prohibiting me from lifting heavy arms. I have been doing therapy after my workouts for it to stretch out and keep the rotator cuff and shoulder loose.

On a good note, I have been eating clean and getting the necessary supplements. The weekends are great for cooking.

Today being squat day and having little time to workout during lunch, I tried something new. I met my buddy, Pickel at the gym and he was going heavy so I was spotting him but before that I pretty much did my complete workout in 15-20 minutes.

I stretched (dynamic and static) and did some deep tissue stretching for my legs. You know, the us(ual). Then all hell broke loose as I did my newly created routine I thought of on the spot.

So I started with 135# and did 45 reps but I did them like this (15 reps - 15 sec rest) and did that 3 times without racking.
Next was 185# same style but with 10 reps and 10 sec rest; 3 times without racking.
225# with 5 reps and 5 sec rest; 3 times without racking.
275# with 3 reps and 3 sec rest; 3 times without racking.

Then I decided to do some cool down and did 225# same again with same stats
And I brought my quick workout to a finale @ 135#, the same way I started.

I rested about 90-120 secs between sets (to spot Pickel)

All in all, I did 159 reps in about 15 minutes, and felt no burn, which I discussed with Pickel and decided it must be the lack of dairy(lactose) in my diet (apart from a little bit of cheese). I drink almond milk instead.

I will most likely either go for a short run and workout later or go for a long run, for my fat dog. Well, she's only a little fat.

Also I will try and get a pic up for comparison soon.