Thursday, August 5, 2010

Times change, but the fact that Lindsay Lohan got a DUI doesn't

First off,

Last night's workout...I did a lot of arms, all pulls with a focus on shoulders and triceps. Not going to bore with the details this time because it wasn't one of those "holy shit, this workout was insane" workouts, it upper body workout. Don't get me wrong, I'm a little sore, but we all know how that goes.

I have thought long and hard about this and am going to try and develop a solid routine around the squat workout that I did on Monday. I am going to take the same principle and use it for all major exercises. This might take a few weeks, but I have to incorporate a lot into it: Schedule, exercises, anaconda protocol??, nutrition in general, rugby, and games.

Come season (in a few weeks), I will have less time for lifting and have to work more on endurance and agility so planning is key.

Probably the most threatening factor to any progress is RECOVERY, and possibly beer (rugby players aren't known for drinking tea).

I am taking today off (for now from training) because I have no time to go, but I have practice tonight so that counts a little bit. I might end up working on some isolation for arms tonight at the gym in my apartment complex.

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