Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Peer pressure is a bitch

Got out of work last night and had some time to kill before rugby practice, so I decided to hit the gym. Now, Tuesday is an upper body day anyways, but because of my left shoulder I am still have trouble with "push" exercises.

I can do light weight fairly well so I increased the reps and sets with a lower weight.
Flat DB Press (60#)
Lawnmower Rows (90#-60# double set)
BB Shoulder Shrugs with Smith Machine (man, I hate this machine)
Seat Rows (150#)
Standing shrugs with 45# plates

Now this was a lot of "Pulls," but that's about all I can do right now. Shoulder stretching to alleviate some pain.

6:45 came quickly and I was off to practice where we played touch and I ran in a fleece sweater (It was mid 80s and humid as hell). Ran 5 50-meter sprints to end.

Didn't get out of there til around 8:45. A solid few hours of fitness and passed out once I got home took care of my dog and made a shake.

Today, told my buddy I would lift pulls with him. I guess it's better to get more pulls in since I can't do pushes yet. Going to try and convince him to try the Anaconda Protocol from T-nation as per a recommendation from a good (older) friend/mentor of mine that received a free batch (that lucky bastard) from Tim Patterson.

1 comment:

  1. Anaconda is awesome, because in the weeks I've been using it, I have been really pushing myself hard in the gym but haven't suffered from DOMS...until I did something like the leg workout you just posted previously. Did 100 reps of squats yesterday, in a fairly short time with few pauses, and today my quads are tight--not in a debilitating way, but tight for the first time in a long time. I'm glad to find new ways to hit the gym that push me past my limits into new territory.
