Tuesday, August 10, 2010


No these are not measurements of penis size.

So I took, wanted to write down and decide to post the measurements to see if I increase them after I try the Anaconda Protocol come September.

Here are the results (in cm because that's the only measuring band I had)

Calf (Right) - 40
Calf (Left) - 39
Quads (Right) - 64
Quads (Left) - 63
Waist - 89
Chest - 108
Biceps (Right and Left) - 36
Neck - 39

Did I miss anything?

*Note: These are by no means accurate (I took them from a cereal box...).

As you can see my right side of my legs is slightly larger which is why I have focused on some uni-lateral movements to develop my left side to match.

After September I hope to see an increase in my chest and arms. My legs are already "Hulkian" as a buddy of mine pointed out sometime ago.


  1. after posting I went to check the numbers and 89 cm can't be right for my waist I wear a size 34 with a few inches to spare. I only wear that size because it fits my quads. I did measure at my "love-handle" area, which is technically the waist, but I never wear my pants there.

  2. Let me check my handy iPod Touch Conversion app and turn these to inches:

    Calf (Right) - 40=15.748
    Calf (Left) - 39=15.354
    Quads (Right) - 64=25.197
    Quads (Left) - 63=24.803
    Waist - 89=35.039
    Chest - 108=42.520
    Biceps (Right and Left) - 36=14.173
    Neck - 39=15.354

    I'm sure it would be awkward, but for a real test you'd probably be better served by having a second person take the measurements. And maybe a couple quick cellphone camera shots (especially for things like waist) to make sure months from now that you are taking them at the same spot. I read once on T-Nation that upper arm should be measured by holding your arm straight out in FRONT of you (not the side) and flexing; then measure around the largest part. But that's hard to do if you're flexing and trying to wrap the tape around with one hand. I mention this especially because, if you did this accurately, it means my upper arms are bigger than yours--my insecurities don't allow me to accept that an athlete half my age has arms smaller than mine.

  3. It's probably true. I have a small upper body. That is one of my problems I am working on with 3-4 arm days. I do need to take a few pictures. Maybe I'll do that later this week. I have no problem having someone take measurements of me, but I don't know anyone well enough down here to do that haha. Otherwise, it would be done.
