Friday, July 30, 2010

It's gonna take a little while to get used to this...

Leg's healing, I wouldn't say its rapid because I have been at the gym once or twice a day this week and haven't really been icing, heating, elevating it.

Figured out the shoulder injury is a rotator cuff problem. I have almost all flexibility except for arm outward and up. It hurts about shoulder level. That has put a damper on my arms, but I did as much as I could on Tuesday and Thursday with them. Wednesday, I did a quick full body workout with some cardio and abs. Yesterday was also practice where I sweat through a few t-shirts.

I might start doing the X-fit WOD as an extra fitness test each day. They are usually no longer than 15 minutes.

My nutrition and sleep have been lacking all week too. I have been kind of stressed so I need to rethink everything this weekend and set a plan by Monday. Luckily I have off rugby this weekend and I can relax.

I need to get in a better rhythm of updating this everyday. I have never really done this before.

1 comment:

  1. ...and yet nowhere do you mention some kind of therapy/rehab for your shoulder. You know it won't get better on its own while you are doing other things!

    (As for me, the two workouts Friday weren't bad. I can tell today that parts of me need stretching, but I feel good.)
