Friday, July 30, 2010

It's gonna take a little while to get used to this...

Leg's healing, I wouldn't say its rapid because I have been at the gym once or twice a day this week and haven't really been icing, heating, elevating it.

Figured out the shoulder injury is a rotator cuff problem. I have almost all flexibility except for arm outward and up. It hurts about shoulder level. That has put a damper on my arms, but I did as much as I could on Tuesday and Thursday with them. Wednesday, I did a quick full body workout with some cardio and abs. Yesterday was also practice where I sweat through a few t-shirts.

I might start doing the X-fit WOD as an extra fitness test each day. They are usually no longer than 15 minutes.

My nutrition and sleep have been lacking all week too. I have been kind of stressed so I need to rethink everything this weekend and set a plan by Monday. Luckily I have off rugby this weekend and I can relax.

I need to get in a better rhythm of updating this everyday. I have never really done this before.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Minor setback

Originally I was going to post my workout routine for the week, which I will still do, but I have to mention that I had a minor setback this weekend. I went to a rugby tournament in Chattanooga,TN (well actually Lafayette, GA, I digress), and injury fell upon me. I believe I sprained/strained my shoulder (minor, I think it might be the rotator cuff), but it limits the rotation and upward movement I have. I also received a large bruise on my leg that I believe has developed a rock hard hematoma with sun blisters on it. Not looking too good, but I went and worked out anyways. After all it is 'squat day'. Oh I also don't have any health insurance as of now, so my mom yelled at me when she called this afternoon. I will have pics of the leg from Sunday and today on tomorrow's post

This is my planned workout until rugby season starts in 4 weeks. After that I have to switch to accommodate a Saturday game day. That means no legs the day before.

Monday - Squats (Yeah, just squats, front and back and Abs)
Tuesday - Upper body (Push and pulls, forearms, biceps, triceps) and cardio
Wednesday - Stretching/cardio, but basically off
Thursday - Forearms, biceps, Triceps, and abs and rugby practice
Friday - Legs (Everything but squats)
Saturday - Chest and back, some cardio
Sunday - Shoulder, some cardio

I worked out today and had to take it easy since there wasn't a whole lot I could do. I did

calf machine and leg press workout. The weights for the machines I feel is inaccurate so I excluded it.

Then I went and did the majority of the workout

50 reps @ 135
5 x 5 @225
25 @135

I cooled down with 3 miles on the spinner bikes in 15 minutes and worked my shoulder with some stretching.

Tomorrow is another day and we will see how everything feels then.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome to my fitness blog

Thanks for stopping by. This blog is pretty much just gonna be me writing about my life and the fitness adventures in and out of the gym ranging from locker room talk to setting PRs and ending with crying myself to sleep in a fetal position after a crossfit workout.

I'll pretty much just write about what I want, when I want. I like to research topics involving bodybuilding and fitness so I might throw in articles or videos from time to time that I deem interesting. Topics will include but not limited to general training, rugby, nutrition, triathlons, and whatever the hell else I feel like writing about.

To give you a quick background of myself, I am a 23yo male Software Engineer living in Knoxville, TN that participates in rugby throughout the year with the Knoxville Possums and trains for triathlons. I am 5'10 and currently 188lbs. I have no idea what my BF% is but if I had to guess I'd say around 10%.

Training has just become a part of my life that I couldn't live without because it just makes me feel better. If I go a few days without, I feel like crap and would probably start looking like this guy.

I guess a goals section is necessary:

  • Overall, stay in shape and look good for the ladies (like that's ever a bad thing)

  • Join the local 1200 club (1200lbs between bench, squat and deadlift)

  • At least 1 triathlon a year (hopefully 3-4)

  • Make the South Men's All-star rubgy teams in 7s and or 15s (I'm not picky)

  • Eventually, run a half Iron Man (depending on my fitness a full one after 30)
